Artists and works of modern art you need to know

An artistic movement is a group of artists and artistic works with a common aesthetic. Modern art is a period in the history of art between 1850 and 1950. More infos on

Geometric Abstraction

It was through this form that the concept of abstract art began to be theorised.

An art movement allows the revealing of a concrete and psychical intensity.

Generally expressed through sculptures where moving elements are used.

An art gallery brings together the works of several artists: sculptors, painters on canvas or boards, professional photographers, coloured pencil illustrators, etc.

One of the most renowned galleries in Paris is Estades gallery. It displays exceptional art exhibitions on a daily basis. You can visit their website for more information.

Modern Art Galleries

The most expensive works of art are those that have been the subject of the highest reported transactions in the world.

Andy Warhol

Polymorphic artist, starred and contested, figure of Pop Art, commissioned painter.

An oil painting covered with gold leaf, produced between 1907 and 1908.

virtual reality

There are different painting techniques: oil, wax and water-based such as watercolour, gouache, tempera, acrylic paint, ink, etc. Virtual reality is, among other things, a new field of exploration for contemporary art. It should be noted that the first visual artist to have produced a virtual reality work is French.

Artistic techniques

An artist is someone who has a sense of beauty and is able to create works of art. It’s also someone who can create works that are both functional and ornamental.

The Art of watercolour
Watercolour is an ambivalent artistic technique. Sometimes old-fashioned, sometimes delicate, it usually leads to surprising paintings.
The ABCs of Calligraphy
From its Roman origins to the 20th century, Calligraphy has always been present through the evolution of Western writing.
The creation of the first lithograph
It was in 1796 that the technique of lithography was discovered by the German playwright Aloys Senefelder.

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